Monday, May 07, 2007

Quiz Yourself!

Everyday! The Leaky Cauldron has done another wonder! Everyday you can quiz yourself on a new Harry Potter fact just by coming back to my blog here and using the little quiz box in the right column. And check out the little book dealie - isn't it cool? I could spend a good hour being entertained by it (I already spent a good 5 minutes with it before answering the question).

Good luck! Hope you're prepped enough for the release of HPat Deathly Hallows...


Anonymous said...

Ok, so I wss going to mock your ongoing obsession with everything Harry Potter. Then I tried that freaking addictive book. Woo! Look at it spin!

Anonymous said...

And I'd just like to note that I got today's question about Fleur's dragon right while HP fanatics Jane and Adam got it wrong. I should get a prize.

Jane said...

no prize. just means you have to pay for the last book cause you're such a good fan. :)

Anonymous said...

(So, Blogger hates me and won't let me comment. I'll try again...)

That book thingie is way too addictive. And no.