Tuesday, April 03, 2007

If I were a male celebrity...

Hi everyone.
So, this is the thing: I wanted to try this photo thing that everyone's doing, but didn't want to sign up, so I used Andy's account. First time around, I forgot to change his profile to female, so all my results were male except one. So check me out:

I think the coolest one is me as Elton John.
So second time around, I signed up as my own and put a different photo in. So check me out now:



Anonymous said...

Yeah, well I look like J Lo,, so I must be sexy. Or I just have a big butt. I have no idea how the website figured that out though...

On the up side, I also have a 70% chance of destroying attacking alien spacecraft using my computer!

Friartuc said...

Hahahahahahahah!!!! Oh wow! This is really funny! Whooo. Everybody is doing it!!! Haha! Jane, I like the male thing. That is great. Hehe, you deserve it! Anyway, I hear some of our familiar bloggers are boycotting this hilarious waste of time because it is too "conformist." So good for you to succombing to peer pressure.

Denise said...

Very funny, Jane!

I did mine, too, but I didn't get any male matches, even when I tried.

Monica, however, bears a resemblance to John Cleese!?!

We got your invite today. I thought it was a cute invitation.
