So, this is the thing: I wanted to try this photo thing that everyone's doing, but didn't want to sign up, so I used Andy's account. First time around, I forgot to change his profile to female, so all my results were male except one. So check me out:
I think the coolest one is me as Elton John.
So second time around, I signed up as my own and put a different photo in. So check me out now:
Yeah, well I look like J Lo,, so I must be sexy. Or I just have a big butt. I have no idea how the website figured that out though...
On the up side, I also have a 70% chance of destroying attacking alien spacecraft using my computer!
Hahahahahahahah!!!! Oh wow! This is really funny! Whooo. Everybody is doing it!!! Haha! Jane, I like the male thing. That is great. Hehe, you deserve it! Anyway, I hear some of our familiar bloggers are boycotting this hilarious waste of time because it is too "conformist." So good for you to succombing to peer pressure.
Very funny, Jane!
I did mine, too, but I didn't get any male matches, even when I tried.
Monica, however, bears a resemblance to John Cleese!?!
We got your invite today. I thought it was a cute invitation.
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