Onto other things: Happy belated birthdays to both Celia and Andrew!!! Happy year-older!!! Hope you enjoy the fact that you're older now. Roo, you're the first of us. Let us know if there's anything we should be aware of at 25!
In other news, myself and another youth minister down here, Vanessa, have started The Ugly Sunglasses Club. We spent the afternoon together a few Fridays ago and all the stores in downtown Huntington Beach were having these after Christmas sales. I found one really cool store (no idea the name), but everything in it was $18 or less, and they were playing The Beatles, and the clerk was reading The Half-Blood Prince. So it quickly became my favourite store, overall, for having such a cool attitude to it. And it was there, in that store, that Vanessa and I decided that we would purchase a pair of hideous sunglasses to wear while we're together having an adventure. And that was the start of it, folks. Vanessa currently has the photos which she keeps reassuring me she'll bring next time :) I'll post them once I get them.
Other things going on at this time: I really do not enjoy directing the Confirmation program here, and I am looking at options to either hand it off to capable and dedicated parents, or leave it as an SEP.
It's been cold here. Andy took a screen shot of his weather thing saying that it was 4 degrees in St. Albert, and 3 degrees in San Clemente.

Other than that, things are still going. Bilius (my car) needs a new battery. I want to give him an oil change today as well, cause I'm feeling him starting to stress. yup yup. That's about it.
Okay, so when I get pictures, you guys'll be the first to know. Hope you're all doing well otherwise!
I think it's worth noting that the screenshot was taken, very easily I might add, on my lovely Apple iBook G4, "Pagan Idol". CMD-SHIFT-4, drag to create a box, done'd!
And yes, your sunglasses are thoroughly hideous. Well done, dear. Just the thought of them makes me want to cry.
ooh! Update!
Right now, Edmonton is listed as -17 degrees Celcius (1.4 degrees Fahrenheit). Earlier today, however, I saw it at -22 degrees Celcius (-7.6 degrees Fahrenheit)
In other news, the word "Fahrenheit" looks funny.
Woohoo!!! July 21st!!!! Do you know what the deal with the deluxe edition is? So excited!
I'm afraid I lack in the sympathy department. It's -34 Celcius here with the wind, so I'm a little grumpy.
And yes, Andy, that screen shot is very cool. We're all very proud of you. :D
Speaking of ugly sunglasses, anyone know where to get sunglasses that fit over glasses (like, complete-with-arms, not magnetic sunglasses)? I need a non-granny pair but hate shopping...
Ooh - any idea why the blog post is showing up as being on January 13?
ha ha, good point, Darryl. That's when I started writing the post. I had just saved it as a draft while I was waiting for the pictures. Blogger seems to assume you want the date it was started to be the one posted when finished. I'll change that. Thanks for the heads up.
Good luck getting non-granny looking sunglasses like that, H. You're gonna look like a crazy old woman. Accept it :-)
Thanks. A lot. You're so sweet. :D
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