Monday, March 13, 2006

Mardi Gras pics

I thought I'd post a few of the Mardi Gras pics that I have. A number of them were too dark, which is unfortuante, but oh well. We got enough of them.

On another note, I'd like to say that I have been sorted into Ravenclaw by the official Harry Potter site. I am not a Slytherin. And in any case, Harry speaks Parseltongue and he isn't in Slytherin, is he? That's right. You all think you're soooo brilliant...

And Travis, thank you for your nice comments. And Jacqui, thanks for updating your blog too! I like talking Harry! And Frank and Sharon, I really hope you guys can come down here one day! I'd love to hang out with you guys here!

Please keep the OLF Teens and Youth Ministry in your prayers this lent!


Anonymous said...

First of all, Harry may speak parseltongue, but he NEVER said that snakes were "really cute and kinda cuddly!" Voldemort, on the other hand, had a very cuddly relatioship with his snake Nagini. Surely a powerful dark wizard could fool a Muggle-created sorting quiz. It would be like taking Fizzing Whizbees (sp?) from a baby...

Jane said...

Haha. Yeah right. Well, lemme tell you, missy, that Hagrid loves 'interestin' creatures' and he's in Gryffindor. And let me restate the fact that I can not speak Parseltongue. If I did, I wouldn't have gone to a muggle college like Newman, would I?

Some people....completely unreasonable....

Anonymous said...

Hey Jane. The HTML tags in blogger have been broken for quite some time. If you want to make italic text, use the emphasis <:em>: tag instead. bold <:b>: and strong <:strong>: work fine. Not that I've ever tested or anything....

Anonymous said...

Sigh. It looked fine in the preview.... Anyway, ignore all those silly colons....

Anonymous said...

Ok. Now, apparently my comment makes no sense to people not using the Opera web browser. Apparently they've got some funky bug I can't duplicate that makes Jane's italicied comments appear as "/* to me. Just like that. Quote-slash-star. Crazy. Um, so. Anyway. How about that local sports team? I still say blogger's html support is broken. Really. It looks just nasty! Anyway. Anyone wanna write a paper for me?

Jacqui and James said...

You inspired me to get sorted again. The result never changes-I'm always in Griffindor. James got sorted too and turns out he's a Hufflepuff!!!