Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I'm Brilliant!

I just figured out how to make my screen transparent! Woohoo on me!
-Jane ;D


Anonymous said...

Ooh, sweet. That looks awesome. Um, I don't think people want to see all the crap I hide behind mine. At least I don't want to be reminded of it. Out of sight, out of mind! Bills? What bills?

Anonymous said...

That looks pretty cool!

Friartuc said...

how in the heck do you do that? that's really wierd! Anyway, i'm glad to hear that you're not a heretic! I was getting worried... I'm not gonna do the test because you never know... Update from Edmonton: There still is no sun.

Jane said...

It's magic, Travis. I'm actually a witch.
And it's 23 degrees here today. Blue sky. ;)

Frank and Sharon said...

That's hilarious, Jane!

"I'm actually a witch..." Aha! We knew all those Harry Potter books would take their toll on you...